I strive to work as a team with horse owners since hoof health depends on much more than trimming alone.   My goal is that after every trim, your horse will be comfortable, sound, and able to perform at his or her best. 

Set-up Trims — $70

 Includes shoe-pulling, trim, boot fitting, and initial diet/lifestyle consultation.  This price also includes trimming that takes longer due to inconsistent trimming/overgrowth and behavioral issues.  I serve Plumas County, California and some nearby areas.  Contact me to see if I travel near you.  

Mini & Pony — $45

Draft Trims — $90

Maintenance Trims — $60

Every 4-6 weeks, depending on individual situation

Boot Fitting — $25

(or free with purchase of boots) 

Hoof Boots are quickly replacing metal shoes as the hoof protection of choice.  Customized Padding can also be added to boots to provide extra support and relief and rehabilitation of various lameness issues and hoof conditions.  Prices vary depending on the type of boot needed, with most boots averaging around $100/boot. Please contact me for details.  I am an authorized dealer and fitter for Easy CareCavallo, Equine Fusion, and Scoot Boots.   

Composite shoes — $Price varies

Composite shoes are an excellent tool for rehabilitations and performance events.   Contact me for more details.  

Mentorships — $175/day

I am currently a mentor through the Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners.  Contact me for more information