Healthy Horses with Healthy Hooves are dependent on:

Proper Nutrition

Movement & Lifestyle

Hoof Care


Come learn with me—

No hoof, no horse!

Empower yourself with the knowledge of hoof anatomy and function

Advocate for your horses’ health and soundness through education

Dive into the captivating study of the hoof, and you and your horse will never be the same!

A Lifelong love of horses

Like I’m sure you can relate, my love for horses came on young and strong, and I have had the honor and privilege to live alongside 4 horses over the course of my life thus far: Buttercup, Arnie, Sam, and Brynja. Each has carried me in more ways than one throughout the seasons of my life, and I am grateful beyond measure for the fun we’ve had and the invaluable lessons I’ve learned.

My inadvertent journey into hoof care began in 2010. I had no intention of becoming a hoof care practitioner, but I was interested in working with horses for a living, and the opportunity to join the Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners Training Program fell into my lap.

The amazing thing about studying hooves is that it opens doors into studying, well, everything. From nutrition and lifestyle, to dental and body-work, from progressive training methods to the ethical concerns of horse ‘ownership,’ from saddle and bit fit, to nervous system regulation; there isn’t anything that’s horse related that doesn’t relate to the hoof. It’s all connected.